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Shame on Christians who voted for Mr. Trump!

If you're bitten by the snake on the left, it's no big deal because that snake is not poisonous. However, if the snake on the right bites you, you might die - because that snake is poisonous and deadly. The point? God expects us to make distinctions in life. Just because two things look similar does not mean the two things are the same or have the same effect. One kind of mushroom is great to eat; while a similar mushroom, if consumed, could kill you. One thing is not necessarily like a similar thing. All snakes are not the same. Some snakes are basically harmless to humans (I have a California kingsnake named Cali), others are extremely dangerous. I realize it's a crude analogy, but all politicians are not the same either. Some strive to be true public servants; while others are only in the game to line their pockets.

On January 6, 2021, the President of the United States at a rally outside the White House repeated his big lie that the election was stolen from him. He’s raised over $200 million based on this falsehood. The LORD hates a deceitful man! The people have spoken, the courts have spoken, Congress has spoken. He didn't win his bid for a second term. He lost to Joe Biden. Someone commented that the height of arrogance is saying the only way you can lose an election is if the election is rigged. Trump has been making this claim for five years. And yesterday, he purposely incited his cult-like followers at the rally to assault the Capitol Building - while our national leaders were inside certifying the election results. This was not a peaceful demonstration. This was an insurrection, an attack on democracy, on full display before the entire world.

Before the riot, the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliana, told the mob to settle the election dispute by “trial by combat.” U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks from Alabama told the mob it was time to start “taking down names and kicking a**.” Well, a short time later, the rioters (thinking Trump was actually in the front leading them!) forced their way into the Capitol as they waved the Confederate flag, threw up the white power sign, and replaced the American flag with the Trump flag. The caption on one guy's t-shirt read: "Camp Auschwitz." Did you know neo-Nazis are now considered to be patriots? Did you know racism is now equated to patriotism in the minds of some Trump supporters? This gang of lawbreakers desecrated the sacred halls of Congress to thwart the will of the people. You’ve seen the images. Disgraceful and pathetic! Again, this was not a demonstration, it was an insurrection. Mr. Trump and his many enablers, e.g., Lindsay Graham, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and others, should be called to task for this assault on the rule of law.

Four people died during this violent occupation, police officers were hospitalized, scores of arrests. How did we descend into such chaos? Who’s responsible for this deadly attempted coup? The blame is to be laid at the feet of Mr. Donald Trump, our wannabe dictator. When I joined the military, I swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies both foreign and domestic. Decades later, I still honor that oath, as do most veterans that I know. I did not mean for this to be my first post in 2021, but I'm truly upset by what happened at our Capitol yesterday, and you should be too!

The day before this tragic, treasonous assault in D.C. I sent the following message to Dr. John MacArthur, a leading evangelical minister, who in August said that he told President Donald Trump, “any real, true believer” is going to support his bid for re-election. See my response to this ridiculous statement in my post, “How should Christians vote in November?” Below is an excerpt from the message I sent to Rev. MacArthur the day before this attack on democracy:

Dear Dr. John MacArthur,

Are you still downplaying the pandemic and supporting Mr. Trump for a second term? I hope it’s apparent by now that the man is corrupt, plain and simple. Donald Trump is energized by the father of lies, the spirit who now works in the children of disobedience (Eph.2:2). If Obama was one-tenth the liar and cheat that Trump is, white evangelicals would have been crying “Character matters,” and demanding his resignation after his first six months in office.

The blatant hypocrisy of white evangelicals has done a great disservice to the mission of the church. But Trump is for the “white man,” so white Christians give him one pass after another! White Christians have stuck their heads in the sand regarding the un-Christian, un-American behavior of their white political savior, and it stinks to high heaven! When he was just a candidate, after one of his hate rallies in Boston, a couple of white guys urinated on a homeless Hispanic man and beat him with a metal pole. Remember that? This is the kind of energy Trump has generated and continues to generate! He's dangerous.

I can understand why some Christians voted for Trump five years ago, but after seeing this con-man-child in action for the last five years should have convinced discerning Christians that he’s unfit for the office, and unworthy of Christian support. Yet Christian leaders like yourself and Jerry Falwell Jr. persuaded the gullible sheep to vote for a wolf in wolf’s clothing. Unbelievable! When Christians support a candidate who is totally devoid of Christian values, how does that look to unbelievers, who can clearly distinguish between a good man and a bad man? If Christians can’t see that Mr. Trump is the enemy of decency and democracy, then Christians are not very bright, easy marks for the deceiver of nations.

These same unbelievers think that since Christians can’t see, or refuse to see, how utterly corrupt this man really is, why should they accept a believer’s opinion about anything, including our opinion of the Lord Jesus Christ. If we’re too dull or too bias to correctly discern earthly matters, how can we be trusted to judge heavenly matters? Sadly, some sincere seekers will never set foot inside your church. Why not? Because the leadership of Grace Church has unwisely aligned themselves with one of the most corrupt administrations in the history of the country!

Instead of speaking truth to power, evangelicals have cowered before power. The fearless prophets of old would be ashamed of us today! Brother John, whatever happened to Exodus 18:21, 2 Samuel 23:1-4 and 2 Chronicles 19:5-7? Whatever happened to Psalm 5:5-6? It’s time for judgment to begin with God’s household (1 Peter 4:17)! I ask that you prayerfully consider what I say (2 Tim. 2:7). Yours in Christ, Tom Quick.

The LORD Most High expects his people to make valid distinctions in life. He says, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter" (Isaiah 5:20 KJV). If we Christians don’t get our act together, if we don't start making clear distinctions between right and wrong, between truth and conspiracy theories, then the great American experiment will be over real soon. Like never before, it’s time for the spiritual awakening of America. Click here to learn more.

Grace, peace and Jahspeed!



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