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An anvil that has broken a million hammers!

Supernatural Element #3 – Its Indestructibility!

If the Bible is truly the Word of God, that would make it a supernatural book. Do we have any supernatural elements to validate the authenticity of the Bible? Yes! We've considered two: 1) Its Power to Change Lives, and 2) Its Historical Accuracy. The third element for our consideration is: Its Indestructibility! Jesus said in Matthew 24:35 NKJV, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” Many have sought to put Jesus’ word to the test.

The French infidel, Voltaire once commented, “Another century and there will not be a Bible on the earth.” The century has come and gone, and the Bible is still read by more people and published in more languages than any other book in history. Ironically, within a hundred years after his death, the Geneva Bible Society was using the very same printing press that Voltaire previously used to print his infidel literature to later print copies of the Bible. And the very house that the boastful Voltaire lived in was literally stacked with the indestructible Word of God. Surely our Lord has a sense of humor.

The Russian tyrant Joseph Stalin outlawed the Bible and sought to rid the Russian people of the influence of the Scriptures. But in that land today, God still has his people who are followers and lovers of the Holy Book. Svetlana Alliluyeva, later known as Lana Peters, was the youngest child and only daughter of Premier Stalin. In 1967, she caused an international furor when she defected and became a naturalized citizen of the United States. Even though she grew up in a nation that criminalized the Bible and religion, this is what she said about Scripture: “Nowhere have I found words more powerful than those in the Psalms. Their fervid poetry cleanses one, gives one strength, brings hope in moments of darkness. Makes one look critically into oneself, convict oneself, and wash one’s heart clean with one’s own tears. It is the ever-burning fire of love, of gratitude, humility, and truth.”

I have to wonder if I possess that same passion for the Word of God? Is it to me an ever-burning fire of love, gratitude, humility and truth? Or is it just another one of my books on the shelf that I take for granted? I pray that not be the case!

The Roman emperor Diocletian (284-316 A.D.) made a direct assault on the Bible. The historian Eusebius of Caesarea said, “Royal edicts were published everywhere, commanding that the churches be leveled to the ground and the Scriptures destroyed by fire” (Church History, Book VIII, Ch. 1). Diocletian declared that if anyone had a copy of the Scriptures and did not surrender it to be burned, if it were discovered, they would be killed. Furthermore, if any person knew of someone else who had a copy of any portion of Scripture, and did not report it, they would also be killed.

I have to ask myself how I would have responded had I lived under such a ruler? Would I give up my Bible, or be put to death by the state? Would I give up my friends who possessed Bibles, or be put to death according to the law of the land? This is just another reason why believers should memorize Scripture. No one can take away the Word that’s hidden in your heart!

For years, Diocletian’s hatred for the Word of God manifested itself in merciless slaughter and destruction. After his edict had been in force for two years, Diocletian boasted, “I have completely exterminated the Christian writings from the face of the earth!” History tells us that the next emperor, Constantine, offered a reward for a copy of the Scriptures. Within 24 hours, 50 copies of the Bible showed up!

One of our Founding Fathers, the infidel writer Thomas Paine exclaimed, “I have gone through the Bible as a man would go through a forest with an axe to fell trees. I have cut down tree after tree: here they lie. They will never grow again.” But as Paine died a horrible infidel’s death in 1809, the Word of God marched on. As of 2017, the complete Old and New Testament of the Bible has been translated into 670 languages. The entire New Testament alone has been translated into 1,521 languages. People from 3,312 different languages now have at least some portion of the Bible in their tongue. It has truly proven itself to be indestructible.

A Tribute to the Indestructible Book

Empires rise and fall and are forgotten – There it stands.

Emperors decree its extermination – There it stands.

Despised and torn to pieces – There it stands.

Atheists rail against it – There it stands.

Agnostics smile cynically – There it stands.

Unbelief abandons it – There it stands.

Higher critics deny its claim of inspiration – There it stands.

An anvil that has broken a million hammers – There it stands.

Fogs of sophistry conceal it temporarily – There it stands.

The tooth of time gnaws but dents it not – There it stands.

Infidels predict its abandonment – There it stands.

Modernism tries to explain it away – There it stands.

“It is God’s highway to Paradise. It is the light on the pathway in the darkest night. It leads business men to integrity and uprightness. It awakens men and women opiate by sin. It answers every great question of the soul. It solves every great problem of life. It is a fortress often attacked but never failing. Its wisdom is commanding and its logic convincing. Salvation is its watchword. Eternal life its goal. It outlives, outloves, outreaches, outranks, outruns all other books. Trust it, love it, obey it, and Eternal life is yours.” ~ A.Z. Conrad

Grace, Peace and Jahspeed!

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